Printer issues have increased a lot now a days more the number of users more are the issues. For getting printer error fix we generally asked to a computer services company in most of the cases. But one thing should be noted that there are many issues which can be fixed by the user himself/herself. In fact, you don't require having a great deal of expertise for troubleshooting these common printer problems. If you have basic understanding of the print process and some information, you can easily resolve these printer problems. Let's have a look at some of such issues. For all kind of printers, communication issues are one of the basic issues while printing. This issues can happen due to many reasons. There a multiple possibilities. Here are a few of them: • cable connection • port issues • software • spooler • print processor Hardware issues , USB cable connection, or the USB connectors (ports) on either side be it the computer USB ports or on the printer itself, ...